Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week one is complete!!

"Each day I discover new things about myself, strengths I didnt know I had."

I can't believe it's been a week!! 7 days with only eating fruits, veggies, brown rice, turkey, and fish! And only drinking water and tea. I am feeling really good. The first mile marker has been reached and I'm 1/3 of my way to the goal!

Let me asses how I feel today as opposed to how I felt on day one trying to accomplish the daily agenda:
  1. Upon waking, drink one cup of hot water with 1/2 lemon squeezed in. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper. DAY 1: I remember it didnt taste as bad as I thought it would but still only drank 1/2. DAY 7: I think its pretty yummy now, and have learned the best time for me to drink it is right after my workout. Then I drink the whole thing easily.
  2. 25 minutes of aerobic activity followed by stretching or yoga: DAY 1: I was pretty excited to begin so I jumped out of bed for the first workout. Day 2, however, my body was like "Are you serious? You want me to get up this early again??" The workouts went well, mid week I felt a little weak, I believe from the early mornings. DAY 7: I had today off and could sleep in if I wanted to. My internal alarm clock has been set, come 5:30 AM I was up and ready to work out. But I wanted to let my body rest a little so I slept in until 8:30. 8:30 is not usually sleeping in for me. I'm pretty pumped about this, that means I am able to train myself to this routine so my workouts can continue early morning even after 3 weeks! I havent noticed that signifcant of changes in my body yet from working out every day. My clothes may be fitting slightly better. But its only been a week.
  3. FOOD: DAY 1: I was not into the food part at all. I enjoyed the shakes but missed the carbs and sugars. DAY 7: I have gotten more creative with my recipes and have found foods that I enjoy and am learning what foods to eat when cravings come. Ex: Sugar craving: piece of fruit (Apple, cherry), Chips or snacking cravings: Sunflower seeds or almonds. I'm still working on finding more variety in my recipes. I am going to attempt brussel sprout "chips" today.
  4. Evening Activity: Dry skin brushing and warm epsom salt with lavendar baths. DAY 1: I almost passed out. So hot and did not like sweating that much in the bath tub. 20 minutes felt like 45, I cheated a little and got out in 15, stood up and felt light headed. DAY 7: I look forward to these baths, read a good book while I am in there and when the alarm goes off stay in a few minutes longer. Then rinse the sweat away and feel so relaxed and ready for bed. Dry skin brushing: FIRST DAY: Owwwie! It was rough! It felt like sand paper and I felt like it didnt belong on skin!! DAY 7: I enjoy seeing the glow after and then hopping in the shower or bath to continue spoiling my skin. Let me take a sec here to mention just how I am and we all should be showering>

GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR SHOWER: (This is from the detox bible, I mean book)
One of the simplest ways of improving your health and circulation is by alternating the temperature of water in your shower. Your body has the innate ability to heal itself; but hot and cold water during your shower enhance the body's capacity to heal. By alternating hot and cold applications in short duration you will stimulate your metabolism and increase circulation. Try it, you will not only find this invigorating, but you will notice increased muscle tone. Your body will enjoy increased oxygen absorption and will increase the number of circulating disease fighting white blood cells. ALWAYS BEGIN WITH HOT AND END WITH COLD.

5. Bowel Movements: Ok, I know, gross right? Is she really talking about this? Well, yes, and face it when you are doing a detox, this is and integral part of it. Let's just say everything remained pretty average DAY 1-5. DAY 6 and 7, I am noticing the number of times is remaining about the same but the amount has increased and I can tell it is cleaning out the system. I know now why working out is such an important piece to this detox. The only way to wake up that portion of your body is by exercising, and I am noticing this is true after my work outs. (Thanks for sticking with me through this part)

6. This blog: It has completely held me accountable each day to succeed. Part of the daily agenda is to journal write. This has become my rock. Each of your comments and emails have given me just another boost up on the ramp to my goal . Thank you.

So today, I started out as usual, thought I'd blog a little earlier since I am home today, and will gear up for week two. Tonight I will have lettuce wraps for dinner (my favorite recipe so far) Here is my version:

Mel's Lettuce Wraps

Dice the following ingredients:

  • Green and red peppers
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Ginger
  • Yellow Squash
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Green or yellow beans
  • (Any other veggies you want!)

In a frying pan heat up some sesame seed oil add all of the diced vegetables. Allow to cook for a minute then add some chopped fresh turkey breast, steamed brown rice, and the sunflower seeds. Then add your seasonings to taste. I only added sea salt and Braggs Liquid Aminos. If you have never heard of Braggs, it has a similar taste to soy sauce and is a great, healthy addition to any salads, vegetables or soups. You can find it at any health food store and I believe most grocery stores. I actually got mine just up the street at Albertsons. Its in a tall brown bottle with a yellow label. For the lettuce portion of the lettuce wraps I used butter lettuce, its a nice size and holds the ingredients perfectly. Its my favorite recipe so far and one Pat enjoys to eat with me. Bon' Appetite!

Before I sign off today let me just give a little information about toxins and detoxifying so you can have a better idea the importance of doing this for your body now and then. Once again, this is a portion taken from the detox book.

You are what you "eat, drink, inhale, and take." Our foods, water, and air are loaded with toxins and anytime you take medication you are adding to the toxic burden produced by your own existence everyday. Toxicity is a one way street to disease. Conventional medicines solution for nearly every disease is a lifetime of costly medications with a long list of side effects. The natural approach to health believes that the body can heal itself, given the right tools and unburdening it of stock-piled, disease causing chemicals and toxins. Detoxification (or lack there of it) is the determinate of disease.

So why not do what you can to give your body a little break and assist in preventing disease? For me, it's all about the bigger picture. Yes, throughout the past week I've questioned myself and wanted to give in to the food urges. But this right here is why I am doing it all. 21 days out of 365, is so small. I may attempt this detox 2 x a year. We will see. I should probably just focus and try to get through the first detox attempt before I say that...


  1. Wow! You made it through the first week. Good for you! Love reading your blog and hearing about the strength you are experiencing. Also, some good receipes. I want to try the Tahini dressing. Keep up the good work.

  2. Very insightful Mel! Congrats and keep up the awesome work!!
