Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tahini Dressing Saved My Life

Its true, this stuff makes everything taste good. Gotta share this recipe:

Dr. Kupperman's Goddess Tahini Dressing:
  • 1/2 cup Tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tsp parsley, chives, or other herbs finely chopped

Prep: Combine in blender all ingredients but parsley and chives. Blend on high about one minute until mixture turns creamy. Add remaining ingredients and blend on low for a few seconds. Adjust flavor with vinegar, and salt as needed.

Serve immediately or refrigerate. Add water to get desired texture. I've been using this as a veggie dip and watered down as salad dressing and also on fish.

So now, here is our quote of the day:

"Expect the universe to support your dream. It will." - Julia Cameron

Putting the detox aside for a moment, I believe in this. Encourage yourself to believe that if you dream it, it is possible. You will always fail if you don't try. The part to remember is that just because it may not work out the way you planned it, does not mean you failed. Try and find the purpose of the path the universe has taken you on. Something I always say and in fact have up on my wall is Trust the Journey... Life's a crazy roller coaster, it drops down but it always goes back up. Enjoy the ride...

This current part of my life's journey will definitely have its ups and down. This morning I was flyin high, currently I'm tired and over it. But it doesn't mean tomorrow wont be a brighter day. And whats perking me up is when I look back at what I've accomplished today, for myself, it was the most focused and positive day I've had for my mind and body then anything I've done in a VERY long time.

I ran/walked for 30 minutes right when I woke up and got my sweat on, great start to the day. I feel like that set the pace and energy for the rest of it.

Until... the sugar cravings came. And its only Day 2, crap. Someone in my office brought homemade chocolate chip cookies. They sat right next to the copy machine. I faxed and copied a lot of stuff. They smelled amazing. Sweet cookie dreams for me tonight.

When it comes to food, I keep wanting what I call "real food" (ex: cheesburger, chips, pizza, chocolate..), but I realize what I am eating IS "real food" I just don't know how to eat it. I need to study harder on how to cook fish and get creative with vegetables or this will get dangerously old. Goal for tomorrow: find 3 veggie concoctions.

I've been getting a lot of questions about what kind of detox this is, and wether or not I'm doing something extreme or dangerous. The answer is that this is a healthy and safe detox. There are millions out there that can be harmful. I am doing a doctor monitered program put together by the Naturopathic Doctors I work for. If you are in the Southern California area and think this could be something you want to do for yourself, call the office (I'm the one that answers) at 949-722-6797, or check out our website: http://www.portaltohealing.com/ for more information.

I'm sleepy, these early mornings are kickin my butt. Its bath time, then an early night for me. Eat some fried chicken for me ;)

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