Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Guess who's munchin' on a carrot...

I am!!! Up until recently these baby carrots in my fridge were solely used as dog treats. Seriously, carrots=Tucker treat. But, since I am on day 10 now and day 10 means only raw or steamed fruits and veggies plus shakes, this carrot is my tasty treat. I halfheartedly mentioned in the beginning that I wanted to change my pallet and that I had heard eventually carrots begin to taste sweet after time. But I didn't really believe that I would think they tasted sweet. Well, chomp chomp, what a sweet little carrot this is! Seriously, I like it! Change is possible my friends. I was once a veggie scooter. Don't know what that is? It's when you have a plate of food in front of you and you pick out and eat all the good stuff and scoot the veggies to the side of the plate for trash. "Veggie Scooter". I just made that up.

I have entered the Intense Detoxification Phase. Now, 6 shakes a day must be taken down. Is there even enough time in the day?? By 1:00 I had gotten down the first 3. Do I feel any different? Yes, and no. Obviously my tastes have changed, my work outs are getting better and more confident meaning clothes are fitting a bit better too (added bonus), my body is definitely "cleaning" itself out more efficiently. But my energy is a bit low the past few days. It could be the early mornings, or maybe I'm just a bit run down. I fell asleep at 8:30 last night! 8:30!? Hence, the lack of blog yesterday. Oops.

One thing I am realizing and grateful for is that this is a pretty mellow detox. It takes a lot of work and commitment, yes, but the shock to my body with all of these changes is not too harsh. I have felt healthy the whole time. I haven't felt hungry or like my insides wanted to just burst out of both ends or anything. Which is what image the word "detox" used to bring to mind.

"I have the power to make the changes I need to make in my life."

I love today's quote so much. Because we all do have the power. Certain changes seem impossible sometimes. Especially when everyone around you isn't making those changes. I have found myself guilty of not going somewhere or trying something or committing to something just because I thought it would be too hard to do by myself or simply didn't want to do it by myself. How disappointing. And think of all of the things I've missed out on? This detox has been a step out of that insecure sludge and a step into independent choices. By doing something by myself and for myself alone, I am seeing the positive affect it has in a lot of other areas in my life.

How can I be a better friend, girlfriend, daughter, or colleague if I am not first taking care of me? If I don't take care of this vessel with the utmost respect and care, then how can I give anyone else the best me? Don't they deserve that? We all do. Muster up the courage to do something good for yourself, even if it's as simple as some quiet time in a bubble bath or a long walk around your neighborhood. You don't have to ask for it, just do it! By doing something that small for yourself your opening a lot of doors. What could you missing out on?

1 comment:

  1. It's so great when you can finally realize, "I can do it, I can depend on myself" cuz ultimately that's who you answer to. One of Jesus's greatest commandments is "You shall love your neighbor as youself" Matt. 22:39. If we all felt good, strong, or confident in ourselves, we could love others purely as God wanted us too. So it starts by loving God, but we need to love (take care of) ourselves. This was one of the best blogs.
