Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sunflower seeds taste like popcorn?!

I have a new favorite snack!! Now THIS is what it's all about folks. I found a healthy snack I LOVE! Simple, unsalted, non roasted sunflower seeds, cook on a frying pan with a little olive oil til they brown and toss with sea salt! So easy and so good. Popcorn is one of my all time favorite treats loaded with butter. The seeds honestly taste like popcorn. Go try it right now! Seriously good stuff.

Today's quote: "I begin each day by expressing loving gratitude for all the good in my life."

And right now, I am so experiencing loving gratitude for these seeds.

Today was tough guys. I was moody, cravings were kickin. I'm not sure if it was because I had a short day at work and was stuck at home because of a big storm and therefore boredom reigned? Either way it was rough. I found a way to suppress the cravings, one simple piece of a green apple or some almonds. Its worked so far. Also, I was told that I still have all the sugars and carbs floating in my system and as they are starting to work their way out, my body is wanting more! NO NO NO, just say NO. Pat (my boyfriend) has been eating some very delicious things around me and today I would say, what about just one little bite? I'm so grateful to him because every time he'd say NO!

I was at Target earlier and passed their food section. I could literally smell the bread from 3 rows down. I went to that aisle and just smelled the hell out of it. It helped in some sick way. I'm letting the smells satisfy.

My body feels weak for these urges and cravings but really, my mind is staying strong. I can do this!

Temptation is everywhere around me, especially at home because Pat is not changing any of his eating/drinking habits. And I wouldn't ask him to. The picture up top is a visual of tonight's dinner toast, me with my shake and him with his wine. I am finding the humor in all of this. It's actually kind of fun.


  1. That is nuts about the smells at the grocery store! I can see how your body will enhance your smell senses because it wants bad food! And that picture is hilarious. You can do it Mel. Just keep thinking about the end date, its not too far away!! And I think that Pat not changing his eating habits makes this a lot tougher than it seems, which will make you a stronger person. Not only are you detoxing physically, but you are building mental strength as well!

  2. Keep it up! You are inspiring me to be more aware of what I am eating. There is so much junk we put into our bodies that effect our mind and physical health. You will begin to feel very good. Can't wait to hear more about your journey.
