Monday, January 25, 2010

It's about to get crazy...

"I will keep my focus on my dream and be ready to do anything to make it come true."

Tomorrow begins the strictest week of the detox and I'm ready. Mentally, I've turned the corner. I think at some point you just come to accept what you have committed to. I still get urges all the time, but they are easier to dismiss. It's as if the mental need and value of food isn't so important. It's been simplified: Body hungry, feed body what body needs. Not what my mind needs.

So with that said, tomorrow I up the amount of shakes per day and reduce the food options. I will only be able to eat vegetables and fruit and the Alkaline soup (which is steamed vegetables blended). It's time to tell my body that I am serious about this. The first week was definitely the hardest. Now I'm hell bent on healthy results, and want to keep the health train rolling even after 3 weeks. Not as extreme of course, but make some permanent changes.

Today's quote couldn't have said it better for the way I feel today. Except, I still really want some cheez its and a warm, fresh baked, chocolate chip cookie. Have I told you that I've been dreaming about food??? The other night I dreamed I was in a diner. The waitress brought out huge plates of food and set mine down in front of me. It was a CHEESEBURGER. Naturally, I picked it up and took a huge bite. Immediately, in the dream, I realized that I wasn't allowed to have it! And then I woke up. At least I got one good bite in...


  1. Keep it up Melissa. Now you have invested 7 days, or 168 hours, or.. 10,080 minutes to a healthier you. Ha ha the cheeseburger was probably cooked by Patrick. Nah, he wouldn't do that, I'm sure he is supporting you all the way.

  2. I dream about cheeseburgers all the time! You're not alone my friend. Glad to see you're doin well and still alive with all that aborigine food you've been eating. haha... seriously though, good job and much props!

  3. Thanks for the support guys!! And Andrea, Pat is supporting me but not following suit in anyway. He still has his juicy cheeseburgers, fried foods, and snacks on chips and candy 24/7. Temptation is truly ALWAYS right in front of me. But I remain full and it's all good.

  4. Haha... I loved the pic of the Pat Burger. You are so STRONG!
