Saturday, January 30, 2010

Smile, your all alone..

Tonight I started out by feeling lonely. It's Saturday night, Pat took the deep fryer downstairs so he and all our neighbors can eat greasy, fried anything-you-want, and drink cocktails. Bummed. I miss hanging out. And don't get me wrong I could but it would be difficult. I am on a very different level right now and it's taking a lot of strength to be at this level. So I turned my attitude around and have decided to see the positive in this night of quiet alone time. I've made myself a really delicious salad, picked out the girliest movie I own and me and Tucker have parked it on the couch. It's so nice! Just me and my pup. Yes I want to be downstairs, but that is not an option for me right now. So I'm having my own party.

I only have a week left. Amazing. It's really been going fast. Sometimes not fast enough, but for the most part it's flown by. If only I could speed through the evenings as that's when the real challenge hits. I'm feeling good, really good. I feel stronger and healthier. Before this I felt so weak, and at the young age of 26, felt older then I should. I think I got that pep back in my step.

It's clear to me now that it really isn't that much of a sacrifice to make small changes in your everyday life as over time these changes will create some lasting affects on your overall vitality. It's only been 2 weeks on this detox and I am feeling major changes in my mental and physical self! I think anyone can commit to something for 2 weeks, and once you see and feel like I do its motivation to continue. I want to make the most out of my life's journey. If I'm not feeling physically up to par, I wont be able to do that. And I know for me, when I'm lazy and not working out and eating crap like I was before this, my confidence was much lower. That sucks! That's not my personality, I'm usually an outgoing and confident girl. But by not taking care of myself I was sinking lower and lower into a negative lifestyle. The sunshine is back out!

Something I've found of importance when wanting to make a change in your life is to not make the goal be too big or too far out. If you break the goal down to short increments, it is easier on yourself to succeed. And when you succeed it gives you the encouragement to keep going.

Here's our motivational quote for today:

"True life is lived when tiny changes occur." - Leo Tolstoy

Ponder that for a bit. I am off to watch my chick flick. I plan to laugh and cry my heart out. It's going to be a good night.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I want food...

Hard evening. I want to cook a big dinner. I'm not hungry just want some real hearty food. BBQ ribs, cheeseburgers, pizza, pie, cake, mashed potatoes and an ice cold bud light. Hahah, ya cravings are here big time tonight. What the heck, I was doing so good!! Maybe because it's Friday or maybe because its the third and final day of the strict phase. Tomorrow will be better because I can start integrating foods back in.

9 more days to go. 9 more days to go. deep breaths. 9 more days to go.

This is when will power is sooooo important. I wont cheat, I've come too far, but I really want to right now. And Pat is making a home made pizza in our kitchen tonight. I hate him right now haha, will freakin power.

I have to stay busy this weekend. Week days fly by with little to no problems, its the weekends that are the hardest. Why is food so important? I wish I knew. I think its all a matter of moderation. If I were just able to have a little bit of something then continue, it would be all good but since this is a 3 week detox, there is no cheating. Also, if you do the math you will realize my LAST day of the detox is Superbowl Sunday. And everyone knows what goes down on Superbowl Sunday. I will be patiently waiting for Monday.

Enough whining, sorry, but this is just a part of all of it. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel back on track. Let's end on a positive note. I'm loving the morning workouts. I have been steadily working out now for 12 days straight. I'm starting to see the results. I am happy to keep that going it's so nice to actually see the changes start to happen! I know once 21 days are over I will be so happy to have survived these ups and downs.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Short and sweet

That's what tonight's blog is gona be. I'm beat. I'm smack dab in the middle of the detox, in the Intensive Detoxification stage. I can tell that I am stirring up all these toxins. I've felt tired, achy, and mentally foggy. I'm ok, just really in it right now. During the day I'm still good but come 3:00 I start to slow down and by 8:00 I feel like I could sleep for 3 days. I learned from Dr. Kupperman yesterday that we even have toxins floating around in our brains! So the releasing of some of those may be what is making me so foggy.

Crazy thing is, having 6 shakes a day, I am not hungry at all. Yesterday I had 4 carrots and 6 shakes. Today I had the shakes and the Alkaline soup for dinner. I have never not wanted solid food before. It actually makes the day so much easier not having to worry about food. I asked Dr. Purcell if it was ok that I am not eating yesterday and today and she said I am getting enough nutrients in the shakes so I am fine. Keep in mind this very intense phase is only days 10-12. So after tomorrow I will start reducing the amount of shakes and start adding foods back in to my diet. I'm looking forward to a piece of fish and some rice. 10 more days to go, can't believe I've made it this far and am not going crazy for my favorite foods. I'm going to let my body rest now. It's important to listen to what your body is telling you, and right now its saying see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Guess who's munchin' on a carrot...

I am!!! Up until recently these baby carrots in my fridge were solely used as dog treats. Seriously, carrots=Tucker treat. But, since I am on day 10 now and day 10 means only raw or steamed fruits and veggies plus shakes, this carrot is my tasty treat. I halfheartedly mentioned in the beginning that I wanted to change my pallet and that I had heard eventually carrots begin to taste sweet after time. But I didn't really believe that I would think they tasted sweet. Well, chomp chomp, what a sweet little carrot this is! Seriously, I like it! Change is possible my friends. I was once a veggie scooter. Don't know what that is? It's when you have a plate of food in front of you and you pick out and eat all the good stuff and scoot the veggies to the side of the plate for trash. "Veggie Scooter". I just made that up.

I have entered the Intense Detoxification Phase. Now, 6 shakes a day must be taken down. Is there even enough time in the day?? By 1:00 I had gotten down the first 3. Do I feel any different? Yes, and no. Obviously my tastes have changed, my work outs are getting better and more confident meaning clothes are fitting a bit better too (added bonus), my body is definitely "cleaning" itself out more efficiently. But my energy is a bit low the past few days. It could be the early mornings, or maybe I'm just a bit run down. I fell asleep at 8:30 last night! 8:30!? Hence, the lack of blog yesterday. Oops.

One thing I am realizing and grateful for is that this is a pretty mellow detox. It takes a lot of work and commitment, yes, but the shock to my body with all of these changes is not too harsh. I have felt healthy the whole time. I haven't felt hungry or like my insides wanted to just burst out of both ends or anything. Which is what image the word "detox" used to bring to mind.

"I have the power to make the changes I need to make in my life."

I love today's quote so much. Because we all do have the power. Certain changes seem impossible sometimes. Especially when everyone around you isn't making those changes. I have found myself guilty of not going somewhere or trying something or committing to something just because I thought it would be too hard to do by myself or simply didn't want to do it by myself. How disappointing. And think of all of the things I've missed out on? This detox has been a step out of that insecure sludge and a step into independent choices. By doing something by myself and for myself alone, I am seeing the positive affect it has in a lot of other areas in my life.

How can I be a better friend, girlfriend, daughter, or colleague if I am not first taking care of me? If I don't take care of this vessel with the utmost respect and care, then how can I give anyone else the best me? Don't they deserve that? We all do. Muster up the courage to do something good for yourself, even if it's as simple as some quiet time in a bubble bath or a long walk around your neighborhood. You don't have to ask for it, just do it! By doing something that small for yourself your opening a lot of doors. What could you missing out on?

Monday, January 25, 2010

It's about to get crazy...

"I will keep my focus on my dream and be ready to do anything to make it come true."

Tomorrow begins the strictest week of the detox and I'm ready. Mentally, I've turned the corner. I think at some point you just come to accept what you have committed to. I still get urges all the time, but they are easier to dismiss. It's as if the mental need and value of food isn't so important. It's been simplified: Body hungry, feed body what body needs. Not what my mind needs.

So with that said, tomorrow I up the amount of shakes per day and reduce the food options. I will only be able to eat vegetables and fruit and the Alkaline soup (which is steamed vegetables blended). It's time to tell my body that I am serious about this. The first week was definitely the hardest. Now I'm hell bent on healthy results, and want to keep the health train rolling even after 3 weeks. Not as extreme of course, but make some permanent changes.

Today's quote couldn't have said it better for the way I feel today. Except, I still really want some cheez its and a warm, fresh baked, chocolate chip cookie. Have I told you that I've been dreaming about food??? The other night I dreamed I was in a diner. The waitress brought out huge plates of food and set mine down in front of me. It was a CHEESEBURGER. Naturally, I picked it up and took a huge bite. Immediately, in the dream, I realized that I wasn't allowed to have it! And then I woke up. At least I got one good bite in...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week one is complete!!

"Each day I discover new things about myself, strengths I didnt know I had."

I can't believe it's been a week!! 7 days with only eating fruits, veggies, brown rice, turkey, and fish! And only drinking water and tea. I am feeling really good. The first mile marker has been reached and I'm 1/3 of my way to the goal!

Let me asses how I feel today as opposed to how I felt on day one trying to accomplish the daily agenda:
  1. Upon waking, drink one cup of hot water with 1/2 lemon squeezed in. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper. DAY 1: I remember it didnt taste as bad as I thought it would but still only drank 1/2. DAY 7: I think its pretty yummy now, and have learned the best time for me to drink it is right after my workout. Then I drink the whole thing easily.
  2. 25 minutes of aerobic activity followed by stretching or yoga: DAY 1: I was pretty excited to begin so I jumped out of bed for the first workout. Day 2, however, my body was like "Are you serious? You want me to get up this early again??" The workouts went well, mid week I felt a little weak, I believe from the early mornings. DAY 7: I had today off and could sleep in if I wanted to. My internal alarm clock has been set, come 5:30 AM I was up and ready to work out. But I wanted to let my body rest a little so I slept in until 8:30. 8:30 is not usually sleeping in for me. I'm pretty pumped about this, that means I am able to train myself to this routine so my workouts can continue early morning even after 3 weeks! I havent noticed that signifcant of changes in my body yet from working out every day. My clothes may be fitting slightly better. But its only been a week.
  3. FOOD: DAY 1: I was not into the food part at all. I enjoyed the shakes but missed the carbs and sugars. DAY 7: I have gotten more creative with my recipes and have found foods that I enjoy and am learning what foods to eat when cravings come. Ex: Sugar craving: piece of fruit (Apple, cherry), Chips or snacking cravings: Sunflower seeds or almonds. I'm still working on finding more variety in my recipes. I am going to attempt brussel sprout "chips" today.
  4. Evening Activity: Dry skin brushing and warm epsom salt with lavendar baths. DAY 1: I almost passed out. So hot and did not like sweating that much in the bath tub. 20 minutes felt like 45, I cheated a little and got out in 15, stood up and felt light headed. DAY 7: I look forward to these baths, read a good book while I am in there and when the alarm goes off stay in a few minutes longer. Then rinse the sweat away and feel so relaxed and ready for bed. Dry skin brushing: FIRST DAY: Owwwie! It was rough! It felt like sand paper and I felt like it didnt belong on skin!! DAY 7: I enjoy seeing the glow after and then hopping in the shower or bath to continue spoiling my skin. Let me take a sec here to mention just how I am and we all should be showering>

GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR SHOWER: (This is from the detox bible, I mean book)
One of the simplest ways of improving your health and circulation is by alternating the temperature of water in your shower. Your body has the innate ability to heal itself; but hot and cold water during your shower enhance the body's capacity to heal. By alternating hot and cold applications in short duration you will stimulate your metabolism and increase circulation. Try it, you will not only find this invigorating, but you will notice increased muscle tone. Your body will enjoy increased oxygen absorption and will increase the number of circulating disease fighting white blood cells. ALWAYS BEGIN WITH HOT AND END WITH COLD.

5. Bowel Movements: Ok, I know, gross right? Is she really talking about this? Well, yes, and face it when you are doing a detox, this is and integral part of it. Let's just say everything remained pretty average DAY 1-5. DAY 6 and 7, I am noticing the number of times is remaining about the same but the amount has increased and I can tell it is cleaning out the system. I know now why working out is such an important piece to this detox. The only way to wake up that portion of your body is by exercising, and I am noticing this is true after my work outs. (Thanks for sticking with me through this part)

6. This blog: It has completely held me accountable each day to succeed. Part of the daily agenda is to journal write. This has become my rock. Each of your comments and emails have given me just another boost up on the ramp to my goal . Thank you.

So today, I started out as usual, thought I'd blog a little earlier since I am home today, and will gear up for week two. Tonight I will have lettuce wraps for dinner (my favorite recipe so far) Here is my version:

Mel's Lettuce Wraps

Dice the following ingredients:

  • Green and red peppers
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Ginger
  • Yellow Squash
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Green or yellow beans
  • (Any other veggies you want!)

In a frying pan heat up some sesame seed oil add all of the diced vegetables. Allow to cook for a minute then add some chopped fresh turkey breast, steamed brown rice, and the sunflower seeds. Then add your seasonings to taste. I only added sea salt and Braggs Liquid Aminos. If you have never heard of Braggs, it has a similar taste to soy sauce and is a great, healthy addition to any salads, vegetables or soups. You can find it at any health food store and I believe most grocery stores. I actually got mine just up the street at Albertsons. Its in a tall brown bottle with a yellow label. For the lettuce portion of the lettuce wraps I used butter lettuce, its a nice size and holds the ingredients perfectly. Its my favorite recipe so far and one Pat enjoys to eat with me. Bon' Appetite!

Before I sign off today let me just give a little information about toxins and detoxifying so you can have a better idea the importance of doing this for your body now and then. Once again, this is a portion taken from the detox book.

You are what you "eat, drink, inhale, and take." Our foods, water, and air are loaded with toxins and anytime you take medication you are adding to the toxic burden produced by your own existence everyday. Toxicity is a one way street to disease. Conventional medicines solution for nearly every disease is a lifetime of costly medications with a long list of side effects. The natural approach to health believes that the body can heal itself, given the right tools and unburdening it of stock-piled, disease causing chemicals and toxins. Detoxification (or lack there of it) is the determinate of disease.

So why not do what you can to give your body a little break and assist in preventing disease? For me, it's all about the bigger picture. Yes, throughout the past week I've questioned myself and wanted to give in to the food urges. But this right here is why I am doing it all. 21 days out of 365, is so small. I may attempt this detox 2 x a year. We will see. I should probably just focus and try to get through the first detox attempt before I say that...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 5...

"Just trust yourself, and then you will know how to live." -Goethe

All of the work I have been putting towards this detox has brought me a great blessing. I am forced to look at myself. Now that I am clear headed, being put up against many tests of strength, and getting solitude every evening in my candle lit baths, I have focused much of my attention inward. Its so hard not to lose yourself in this time we live in. I remember back when I was fortunate enough to not have to work to support myself and had what seemed like all the time in the world. A lot of it was spent contemplating life, looking forward, setting goals, and enjoying my friends. Now it seems there is never enough time or money or laughs with true friends. Is this my doing? Did I let the rat race suck me in? It seems the older we get the more responsibilities we have. How do we get out once we are in? I think the answer is discipline. When I was younger and was blessed with those freedoms mentioned before, I couldn't wait for the day to be "on my own". Well, be careful what you wish for. Independence has a lot of value, but when you take it at a young age, you often don't know how to discipline yourself to remain financially, mentally, and spiritually, free.

Some of these woes in life I'm seeing can be solved by the same approach I am taking with this detox. Have a plan and practice discipline to the very end. Even when you don't think you can handle it another hour, remember the goal. It's from moments of weakness that strength rises up. I had a weak moment tonight, I did not break my plan or my goal. But I felt weak. Instead of putting those feelings outward and losing myself in the feeling, I silenced my mouth, and settled my mind. It was a moment of mourning, self pity, but soon it was replaced with a sense of pride and drive.

It is AMAZING the role food plays in our lives. I'm not even a large eater, but rather I so much enjoy the tastes and social side of food. I love cooking with Pat every night, having our neighbors over for appetizers and dinners and of course all of this while enjoying a glass of wine. Food plays a major role in our social lives. My course of action and planning will not end after these 21 days. I will need to make a plan on how to manage gaining the "freedom" of foods back in my life.

One tip for those of you out there doing or contemplating doing a detox- remain full. If you are full you can reduce those cravings to simply being something mental, not physical. It is easier to convince yourself you do not need something if your body has been fed. It's the same idea as not going to the grocery store on an empty stomach.

I highly recommend challenging yourself with something. I've felt so neutral for such a long time. This challenge has jump started those mental motors for me. I'm already thinking of what I want to focus my energies on next. I'll share later, but first lets just take one goal at a time.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Julie/Julia/ and Melissa Project ;)

I'm watching the movie Julie & Julia. I find this movie adorable, light, and so pleasant. I cant help but find the relation to my current "project". Although, there is one huge difference: Julie is writing about all of this amazing food she can cook and I am writing about mourning the death of those foods in my life for three weeks. But it still motivated me to pause it and take that intermission to cook my delightful dinner. At day four, I am forced to start getting creative with my meals.

Last night I made amazing lettuce wraps adapted from P.F. Chang's recipe. Tonight, although simple, I made homemade soup from steamed veggies. With added herbs it was really yummy and satisfying. It was green. Completely green. I was scared to take the first bite, and when I did I squealed with joy because it was actually good! This makes me very happy.

I will start posting recipes here soon. If I liked it, most of you without a doubt would too.

Today's quote: "I use my imagination to create new patterns of living." -Anonymous

And with the limited options for meals, imagination truly begins to flourish. But first there is much frustration. Even with the inspiration Julie & Julia provided, I still stood in front of the fridge tonight staring at all the ingredient options. Then slammed the door shut and slumped on the couch... such a grump. But hunger is a big motivator. And after the hissy fit, you'd think I was a chef with the combinations of vegetables, herbs, and spices I began whipping out and putting together for the green soup. After every storm there's always a rainbow right?

The agenda for day four was pretty much the same. The difference is that tonight is when "dry skin brushing" begins. I am to take a natural bristle brush with a long handle and give my skin a dry brush massage for 10-15 minutes until the skin becomes rosy, warm, and glowing. I want to glow! This will now be done morning and night.

I'm looking forward to adding this piece to my routine. However; this is all very time consuming. Most of my free time is having to be put toward this detox. I'm having to balance my time even more now. The house chores are beginning to lag. It was late last night I realized I had no clean clothes. So I was up late washing, drying, and putting away my laundry only for the alarm to go off way too soon this morning. I think this Saturday after work and my girlfriends baby shower I will prep for Sunday and Monday so that this Sunday I will take a mental break from this. I will eat the planned meals for that day, do the workout, and evening activity is all. So that the rest of the day can be free to just be. And to "just be" sounds amazing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sunflower seeds taste like popcorn?!

I have a new favorite snack!! Now THIS is what it's all about folks. I found a healthy snack I LOVE! Simple, unsalted, non roasted sunflower seeds, cook on a frying pan with a little olive oil til they brown and toss with sea salt! So easy and so good. Popcorn is one of my all time favorite treats loaded with butter. The seeds honestly taste like popcorn. Go try it right now! Seriously good stuff.

Today's quote: "I begin each day by expressing loving gratitude for all the good in my life."

And right now, I am so experiencing loving gratitude for these seeds.

Today was tough guys. I was moody, cravings were kickin. I'm not sure if it was because I had a short day at work and was stuck at home because of a big storm and therefore boredom reigned? Either way it was rough. I found a way to suppress the cravings, one simple piece of a green apple or some almonds. Its worked so far. Also, I was told that I still have all the sugars and carbs floating in my system and as they are starting to work their way out, my body is wanting more! NO NO NO, just say NO. Pat (my boyfriend) has been eating some very delicious things around me and today I would say, what about just one little bite? I'm so grateful to him because every time he'd say NO!

I was at Target earlier and passed their food section. I could literally smell the bread from 3 rows down. I went to that aisle and just smelled the hell out of it. It helped in some sick way. I'm letting the smells satisfy.

My body feels weak for these urges and cravings but really, my mind is staying strong. I can do this!

Temptation is everywhere around me, especially at home because Pat is not changing any of his eating/drinking habits. And I wouldn't ask him to. The picture up top is a visual of tonight's dinner toast, me with my shake and him with his wine. I am finding the humor in all of this. It's actually kind of fun.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's true!

Earlier I wrote about expecting the universe to support your dreams and it will, yet I was feeling a bit discouraged. Not 10 minutes after that post, my boyfriends brother and sister in law knocked on the door with arms full of veggies and an amazing card.

God's blessings are everywhere. Encouraged by friends and family like that, this challenge is nothin' ;)

Tahini Dressing Saved My Life

Its true, this stuff makes everything taste good. Gotta share this recipe:

Dr. Kupperman's Goddess Tahini Dressing:
  • 1/2 cup Tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tsp parsley, chives, or other herbs finely chopped

Prep: Combine in blender all ingredients but parsley and chives. Blend on high about one minute until mixture turns creamy. Add remaining ingredients and blend on low for a few seconds. Adjust flavor with vinegar, and salt as needed.

Serve immediately or refrigerate. Add water to get desired texture. I've been using this as a veggie dip and watered down as salad dressing and also on fish.

So now, here is our quote of the day:

"Expect the universe to support your dream. It will." - Julia Cameron

Putting the detox aside for a moment, I believe in this. Encourage yourself to believe that if you dream it, it is possible. You will always fail if you don't try. The part to remember is that just because it may not work out the way you planned it, does not mean you failed. Try and find the purpose of the path the universe has taken you on. Something I always say and in fact have up on my wall is Trust the Journey... Life's a crazy roller coaster, it drops down but it always goes back up. Enjoy the ride...

This current part of my life's journey will definitely have its ups and down. This morning I was flyin high, currently I'm tired and over it. But it doesn't mean tomorrow wont be a brighter day. And whats perking me up is when I look back at what I've accomplished today, for myself, it was the most focused and positive day I've had for my mind and body then anything I've done in a VERY long time.

I ran/walked for 30 minutes right when I woke up and got my sweat on, great start to the day. I feel like that set the pace and energy for the rest of it.

Until... the sugar cravings came. And its only Day 2, crap. Someone in my office brought homemade chocolate chip cookies. They sat right next to the copy machine. I faxed and copied a lot of stuff. They smelled amazing. Sweet cookie dreams for me tonight.

When it comes to food, I keep wanting what I call "real food" (ex: cheesburger, chips, pizza, chocolate..), but I realize what I am eating IS "real food" I just don't know how to eat it. I need to study harder on how to cook fish and get creative with vegetables or this will get dangerously old. Goal for tomorrow: find 3 veggie concoctions.

I've been getting a lot of questions about what kind of detox this is, and wether or not I'm doing something extreme or dangerous. The answer is that this is a healthy and safe detox. There are millions out there that can be harmful. I am doing a doctor monitered program put together by the Naturopathic Doctors I work for. If you are in the Southern California area and think this could be something you want to do for yourself, call the office (I'm the one that answers) at 949-722-6797, or check out our website: for more information.

I'm sleepy, these early mornings are kickin my butt. Its bath time, then an early night for me. Eat some fried chicken for me ;)

Monday, January 18, 2010

One day down 20 to go!

At the beginning of each daily routine sheet from my detox book (AKA my Bible for 3 weeks), there is a quote. Here is today's:

"Today I dedicate and focus 100% of my time to my dreams of success." Jody Stevenson

This was definitely true for my day today. Every part of my free time had to be used towards preparation and carry through of this detox. I woke up an hour and a half earlier then I usually do to begin my designated morning tasks. I immedietly turned on all the lights in my house and some mellow music and it completely helped me stay motivated. (I am NOT a morning person)

The first part of today's plan was to heat up some water, add 1/2 a lemon squeezed in, and a pinch of Cayenne pepper.... Um, eww. But y'know it wasnt half bad! I only drank half, I will try harder to drink the whole thing tomorrow, I have to do this every morning...

First thing I have already learned about myself is that I do not drink enough fluids. I have always been one to drink water through out the day but the quantity of beverages I generally intake is pathetic.

Next I went on to prepare todays lunch which consisted of a steamed veggie medley and turkey breast. Being able to use a large variety of herbs it was delicous. Especially with the homemade dressing I put on it that I prepared the night before. (Dressing: Olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and Oregano.)

My plan today for the 30 minutes a day of light activity required(but enough to make you sweat) was spoiled by the biggest rain storm Southern California has seen all year. I plan on running/walking with my pug Tucker (we both win with this) for 20 minutes a day then come back and do yoga at home or at the studio I go to. So today was a longer Yoga sesh... It was lovely.

The next part of the plan is the smoothie. (More liquid) Its yummy no problem there, but no joke, it took me an hour and a half to drink. See what I mean about my pathetic liquid habits? I have to have it 2 x a day for the first week, then it gradually increases with the final count being 6 x a day!! I needed to get it down MUCH quicker.

The day felt the same as usual. I was a little tired in the afternoon just because I have to adjust to getting up so early. I was actually pretty excited all day. I'm really happy I am doing this. I know its going to be a life changing experience for me.

I am coming from a place of pride in my BBQ skills and have the motto "the more butter, the better". Pretty much everything I eat in my diet is not allowed with this detox. What? I cant use my deep fryer?? I'm gona miss my boyfriends hot wings so much. But this is the point of it all. I WANT to change my pallet. Those yummy foods have a place but should not be the only source of food I turn to for every meal. I want to be ok with veggies instead of chips as a side dish for lunch.

Dinner tonight: Salmon with homemade Tahini sauce (that stuff is soooo good!) and 1/2 cup of brown rice.

One of the most valuable things I'm learning working for a Naturopathic Doctor is just how important food is to my mind, body, and soul. Here's a quote often used around the office:

"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

And for three weeks I am gona put that quote to the test. Day 1 is complete, 20 more to go. The best part, I'm required to take a relaxing bath now with epsom salt and lavender oil.... Poor me ;)

P.S. I just finished the bath. I made it as hot as I could tolerate. It is true that your skin is your largest detoxifying organ. That was tough. I was sweating, felt it hard to breath for a little bit, I really had to practice my yoga breathing in there. After I got out I felt great but it was intense!! I still feel a little light headed, but amazing. I'm gona go pound some water now.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Preperation is going to be my key to success.

Yesterday I organized my apartment to get ready for this detox. I have designated a portion of my kitchen counter for all of my "food needs". Blender for the protein/fiber smoothies is out, grinder for my flax seeds is out and containers are ready for all of the food preperations to begin. I took a whiff of the Protoclear powder that I will be drinking in my smoothies multiple times a day. Thank God it smells delicious!! One less worry there.

Today, I do all the food shopping. Preparing for this got slightly overwhelming. I had to walk away for a bit and come back. I have decided to only plan my meals for 3 days at a time. Plus having to now only eat fresh foods makes this a wise choice since items may begin to spoil after a few days. Have I mentioned, I have no idea what I am doing?? I barely know how to rinse lettuce properly (I bought a lettuce spinner). I've had to ask the mothers in my life how to even steam veggies. This is going to be interesting...

So with the greens piled high in my kitchen, my mind hell bent on a successful 21 days ahead, and this blog ready to record all my experiences with the detox.... Its time for my last glass of wine for three weeks and trust me I will appreciate every drop.