Monday, February 1, 2010


Yippee!! 6 more days then my challenge is over. I'm so happy. I'm so happy to know I can step out of my everyday norm for three weeks and eat only what my friend called "Aborigine" food. I'm kidding, it has not been that bad. But mostly, to be honest, I am so happy that it's almost done.

It has been quite a commitment and I am relieved to know I can go back to normalcy and just relax. But I will be relaxed with the additional knowledge that I DO like to eat vegetables and will do my best to get full from that portion of my plate more then the other parts from here on out. I am fantasizing about my first meal back...How do I choose???

This has all been worth it though. I feel so good. The fog has cleared from my head, my energy has grown, and I've gotten myself on a healthy morning routine of working out. I'll always be thankful for this experience and a lot of my daily routine has now become habit, and they are very good habits to have. But I'm ready for the challenge to come to an end. I'm bored with it, Pat's sick of my complaining and is ready to cook together again (such a patient man). I am tapping my foot with anticipation.

I'm still shocked by the importance food has in our lives. I completely took it for granted up until 15 days ago. Cutting out most of the fun and exciting eats has definitely made me more aware of what I'm eating and why. But I'm not gona lie, when this is done I am going to go back to living and enjoying food, just not as carelessly. Personally, it is an avid part of my happiness and social enjoyment. I am pleased to say that I forever will be able to find the satisfaction in knowing that while this detox lasted, I have kicked its ass! So onward I go, 6 days left and already so much to reflect on.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go. Thia has really inspired me to change my diet. I have gotten rid of the sweets in the house and am eating less of the junk foods. My time is lunch. Grab something on the go. And then dinner late. I have made a deal with myself. If i don't eat by 7:00, then I don't eat. Keep it up. One week to go! (M)
