Thursday, February 4, 2010

3 Days to go!

This is it. Down to the last weekend. 3 more days and I will have completed my 21 day Inside Out Body Rejuvenation Detox. Now that its over, it really feels like it went fast! It's so funny though, since I'm at the end, I keep thinking oh, I can have a little bite of that, cus I will be able to in only 3 days.... WAIT!! That is EXACTLY the mentality that will suck me right back in to the food habits I had before 21 days ago. The challenge certainly doesn't end after this weekend. I gotta be careful and not be too lenient. I must keep disciplining myself, just not to the same degree as I have been.

Aside from all of the changes I see and feel within myself from this detox, I am so surprised and pleased at how my detox has had a positive affect on other people. I have gotten SO much feedback from friends and family about how I have helped or inspired them to start making some positive changes in their lives too! That may be the biggest reward. To know that I was a positive influence for someone else feels really good. What we do and how we live does start to trickle down to other people in our lives. That is why taking care of yourself is so important. If your always tired or angry or negative, that attitude will rub off on the people around you, creating an ugly domino affect. But by trying to present the opposite as best as you can you are able to really influence someone's well-being! It's very rewarding.

Here is a tip to help you make healthy choices for yourself when short on time for a meal. ALWAYS have a large Tupperware container full of fresh, washed lettuce in your fridge. Keep healthy dressings and small containers of pre-cut or sliced veggies to add to the salads and to mix it up keep tuna, fresh turkey breast slices or fish as well. You can easily throw and mix together a delicious salad that's filling and satisfying as an alternative to a carb filled or non nutrient lunch or dinner. If you take the time once a week to prep this, the rest of your week will be so easy to mix together meals. And don't forget the fruit to curb that sweet tooth! For a crunch, try the sunflower seed recipe from my earlier posts as well as almonds. These tips have been HUGE for my success. Tonight I feast on Salmon, Quinoa, and a small salad- yum ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love how you used the word "FEAST" in your blog on a healthy meal. Feast would mean stuffing your face with lots of carbs, calories, and anything else to fit in your pie hole. Hahaha
