Sunday, February 7, 2010

The last day has arrived :)

Ok everyone, we've made it to day 21. The detox has come to end. It has been quite an experience full of a lot of sacrifice and commitment. It's so weird, this morning I woke up and started really reflecting on everything that's happened in the past 3 weeks and it made me emotional. I actually welled up. It was like a release of all the emotions and pressure I've been holding in to stay committed to this. I let myself just relax and realize that it's done. I've picked up some really good, permanent daily habits. I've lost 15 lbs. I feel healthier, more energetic. I feel great. I'm a little scared moving forward that I will regress, but I think that's normal. I just need to give myself a break. I've worked really hard for 3 weeks straight, I've earned a small break. And it is ok to move forward with some of but not all the changes I've been doing for the past 21 days. DEEP BREATH...RELEASE... I did it!

I know I haven't been the easiest person to live with through this so I really am thankful and so grateful for the support and patience my boyfriend Pat has given me. I've learned a lot about myself lately and he has given me the room to explore that and grow. And thank you to all my friends and family because they have been so supportive and understanding as to the strength it takes to tackle something like this. I know that they all have been the key to my success.

It's time now to focus my energy in another direction. And to those of you thinking about doing this detox- go for it, it aint that bad :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

3 Days to go!

This is it. Down to the last weekend. 3 more days and I will have completed my 21 day Inside Out Body Rejuvenation Detox. Now that its over, it really feels like it went fast! It's so funny though, since I'm at the end, I keep thinking oh, I can have a little bite of that, cus I will be able to in only 3 days.... WAIT!! That is EXACTLY the mentality that will suck me right back in to the food habits I had before 21 days ago. The challenge certainly doesn't end after this weekend. I gotta be careful and not be too lenient. I must keep disciplining myself, just not to the same degree as I have been.

Aside from all of the changes I see and feel within myself from this detox, I am so surprised and pleased at how my detox has had a positive affect on other people. I have gotten SO much feedback from friends and family about how I have helped or inspired them to start making some positive changes in their lives too! That may be the biggest reward. To know that I was a positive influence for someone else feels really good. What we do and how we live does start to trickle down to other people in our lives. That is why taking care of yourself is so important. If your always tired or angry or negative, that attitude will rub off on the people around you, creating an ugly domino affect. But by trying to present the opposite as best as you can you are able to really influence someone's well-being! It's very rewarding.

Here is a tip to help you make healthy choices for yourself when short on time for a meal. ALWAYS have a large Tupperware container full of fresh, washed lettuce in your fridge. Keep healthy dressings and small containers of pre-cut or sliced veggies to add to the salads and to mix it up keep tuna, fresh turkey breast slices or fish as well. You can easily throw and mix together a delicious salad that's filling and satisfying as an alternative to a carb filled or non nutrient lunch or dinner. If you take the time once a week to prep this, the rest of your week will be so easy to mix together meals. And don't forget the fruit to curb that sweet tooth! For a crunch, try the sunflower seed recipe from my earlier posts as well as almonds. These tips have been HUGE for my success. Tonight I feast on Salmon, Quinoa, and a small salad- yum ;)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No Pain No Gain

We had a lecture tonight at the office on this Detox program. It confirmed for me the reasons that I have done this detox for myself. It reiterated the importance of food for my body's overall function and ability to fight disease and illness. And ingrained a little deeper in me all of these changes I've been making for the past few weeks. Man, cleaning out your body is so so so important and should be priority. I've said it before, even making small changes in your eating habits can benefit you immensely over time.

Another added benefit- I stepped on the scale today and have lost 13 lbs. In 2 1/2 weeks! I expect to gain a little back when I integrate the foods back in. But what a great start to losing more weight when this is over by continuing my daily workouts and keeping some of these knew habits. Now, not everyone loses weight on this program and some people would not want to. There are no portion sizes laid out for you and you always have options with your meals and shakes. I have been trying to make smart choices and small portions for my meals. One big part is with the shakes, we have the option of adding fruit to them. I don't. There is a lot of sugar in fruits and calories as well. By not adding this to my shakes I have cut out a lot of those calories.

I am on day 16 and am starting to really feel the positive affects of the detox. It's 9:20 and I could wind down and crawl in bed but I also feel a healthy energy flowing through my body and head. And only 5 days to go. So nice to say that.

"Awareness is always accessible within ourselves, within our energy." - Tarthang Tulku

I think everyone's path in life is different. But I also think that it is in everyone to start making some positive changes for themselves. And this in turn opens your awareness to the direction you need to go for your physical, mental, and spiritual self. I needed to make a move in my life. This detox came around in the perfect timing because I happened to be looking for a way to make some changes. I didn't know at the time what this was going to do for me. I didn't plan to lose that weight, I just knew it was time for me to make a move and make some changes. I know now that I have the strength in me to commit to something for 3 weeks that isn't exactly pleasant. I know now, that I am that much healthier then I was 3 weeks ago. And it makes me very excited. It makes all this sacrifice worth it.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Yippee!! 6 more days then my challenge is over. I'm so happy. I'm so happy to know I can step out of my everyday norm for three weeks and eat only what my friend called "Aborigine" food. I'm kidding, it has not been that bad. But mostly, to be honest, I am so happy that it's almost done.

It has been quite a commitment and I am relieved to know I can go back to normalcy and just relax. But I will be relaxed with the additional knowledge that I DO like to eat vegetables and will do my best to get full from that portion of my plate more then the other parts from here on out. I am fantasizing about my first meal back...How do I choose???

This has all been worth it though. I feel so good. The fog has cleared from my head, my energy has grown, and I've gotten myself on a healthy morning routine of working out. I'll always be thankful for this experience and a lot of my daily routine has now become habit, and they are very good habits to have. But I'm ready for the challenge to come to an end. I'm bored with it, Pat's sick of my complaining and is ready to cook together again (such a patient man). I am tapping my foot with anticipation.

I'm still shocked by the importance food has in our lives. I completely took it for granted up until 15 days ago. Cutting out most of the fun and exciting eats has definitely made me more aware of what I'm eating and why. But I'm not gona lie, when this is done I am going to go back to living and enjoying food, just not as carelessly. Personally, it is an avid part of my happiness and social enjoyment. I am pleased to say that I forever will be able to find the satisfaction in knowing that while this detox lasted, I have kicked its ass! So onward I go, 6 days left and already so much to reflect on.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Smile, your all alone..

Tonight I started out by feeling lonely. It's Saturday night, Pat took the deep fryer downstairs so he and all our neighbors can eat greasy, fried anything-you-want, and drink cocktails. Bummed. I miss hanging out. And don't get me wrong I could but it would be difficult. I am on a very different level right now and it's taking a lot of strength to be at this level. So I turned my attitude around and have decided to see the positive in this night of quiet alone time. I've made myself a really delicious salad, picked out the girliest movie I own and me and Tucker have parked it on the couch. It's so nice! Just me and my pup. Yes I want to be downstairs, but that is not an option for me right now. So I'm having my own party.

I only have a week left. Amazing. It's really been going fast. Sometimes not fast enough, but for the most part it's flown by. If only I could speed through the evenings as that's when the real challenge hits. I'm feeling good, really good. I feel stronger and healthier. Before this I felt so weak, and at the young age of 26, felt older then I should. I think I got that pep back in my step.

It's clear to me now that it really isn't that much of a sacrifice to make small changes in your everyday life as over time these changes will create some lasting affects on your overall vitality. It's only been 2 weeks on this detox and I am feeling major changes in my mental and physical self! I think anyone can commit to something for 2 weeks, and once you see and feel like I do its motivation to continue. I want to make the most out of my life's journey. If I'm not feeling physically up to par, I wont be able to do that. And I know for me, when I'm lazy and not working out and eating crap like I was before this, my confidence was much lower. That sucks! That's not my personality, I'm usually an outgoing and confident girl. But by not taking care of myself I was sinking lower and lower into a negative lifestyle. The sunshine is back out!

Something I've found of importance when wanting to make a change in your life is to not make the goal be too big or too far out. If you break the goal down to short increments, it is easier on yourself to succeed. And when you succeed it gives you the encouragement to keep going.

Here's our motivational quote for today:

"True life is lived when tiny changes occur." - Leo Tolstoy

Ponder that for a bit. I am off to watch my chick flick. I plan to laugh and cry my heart out. It's going to be a good night.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I want food...

Hard evening. I want to cook a big dinner. I'm not hungry just want some real hearty food. BBQ ribs, cheeseburgers, pizza, pie, cake, mashed potatoes and an ice cold bud light. Hahah, ya cravings are here big time tonight. What the heck, I was doing so good!! Maybe because it's Friday or maybe because its the third and final day of the strict phase. Tomorrow will be better because I can start integrating foods back in.

9 more days to go. 9 more days to go. deep breaths. 9 more days to go.

This is when will power is sooooo important. I wont cheat, I've come too far, but I really want to right now. And Pat is making a home made pizza in our kitchen tonight. I hate him right now haha, will freakin power.

I have to stay busy this weekend. Week days fly by with little to no problems, its the weekends that are the hardest. Why is food so important? I wish I knew. I think its all a matter of moderation. If I were just able to have a little bit of something then continue, it would be all good but since this is a 3 week detox, there is no cheating. Also, if you do the math you will realize my LAST day of the detox is Superbowl Sunday. And everyone knows what goes down on Superbowl Sunday. I will be patiently waiting for Monday.

Enough whining, sorry, but this is just a part of all of it. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel back on track. Let's end on a positive note. I'm loving the morning workouts. I have been steadily working out now for 12 days straight. I'm starting to see the results. I am happy to keep that going it's so nice to actually see the changes start to happen! I know once 21 days are over I will be so happy to have survived these ups and downs.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Short and sweet

That's what tonight's blog is gona be. I'm beat. I'm smack dab in the middle of the detox, in the Intensive Detoxification stage. I can tell that I am stirring up all these toxins. I've felt tired, achy, and mentally foggy. I'm ok, just really in it right now. During the day I'm still good but come 3:00 I start to slow down and by 8:00 I feel like I could sleep for 3 days. I learned from Dr. Kupperman yesterday that we even have toxins floating around in our brains! So the releasing of some of those may be what is making me so foggy.

Crazy thing is, having 6 shakes a day, I am not hungry at all. Yesterday I had 4 carrots and 6 shakes. Today I had the shakes and the Alkaline soup for dinner. I have never not wanted solid food before. It actually makes the day so much easier not having to worry about food. I asked Dr. Purcell if it was ok that I am not eating yesterday and today and she said I am getting enough nutrients in the shakes so I am fine. Keep in mind this very intense phase is only days 10-12. So after tomorrow I will start reducing the amount of shakes and start adding foods back in to my diet. I'm looking forward to a piece of fish and some rice. 10 more days to go, can't believe I've made it this far and am not going crazy for my favorite foods. I'm going to let my body rest now. It's important to listen to what your body is telling you, and right now its saying see you tomorrow.